This A/C was probably one of the Kurland flights.One of the pilots managed to parachute, but was found dead near by.

The two pilots carried Erkennungsmärke from 1.(F)/120, both issued at the same time and so late in the War that they were not recorded in Berlin - which is the reason why these two men are still unidentified.
(source Rune Rautio on

Photo: Gisle Grimsbu via Morten Moe.
Storkollen. September 1998 ©kjell sørensen
The b/w photo shows the WNr.1231 on the tail of the aircraft.
Bildet er tatt i 1945. Fra venstre: Gunnar Moseng. Sigurd Oddløkken. Odd Moseng, alle fra Folldal
©Reidar Oddløkken via NØFMF
© morten moe 1997
This part is now an exhibit at DombåsKrigsminnesamling
©thor broen NØFMF
New visit to the crash site at Storkollen 28.08.2010
Parts of this Ju is now on display at the NØFMF Museum in Tolga.
thor broen NØFMF

Junkers Ju 88 D-1 Storkollen, Tynset Hedmark
Halbstaffel 1.(F)/124 WNr.1231 B4+CA 08.05 1945
Crashed into hillside Storkollen. The two pilots*, probably Obgfr.Rolf Grosser and Uffz.Heinz Liebert were at first buried at the crashsite. 51 years later, on the15.August 1996,they were reburied at Alfaset Cemetery in Oslo. *source: Matti Salonen on 12oclock forum.