VVS SF 46.ShAP serial 2118283 Lt.B V Titov.(KIA) Gunner Sgt.Minejev.(POW) 16.09 1944
The A/C (code 24), was shot down in air battle over Ropelv by Ltn."Jochel" Norz of 11. Staffel JG 5. The burning Shturmovik performed a forced landing on wheels, near Ropelv. The aircraft of Jakob Norz was also hit and crashed near by. This was his 117th. and last victory.The wounded pilot Lt.Titov was killed in the rough landing, but Sgt.Ju. I Minejev survived. Mineev tragically killed two Norwegian grouse hunters later the same day. Olaf Lamo and Odin Larsen were shot dead by Minejev at Store Ropelvvatn.
German forces searching for Norz and the Ilyushin aircraft, found Minejev at the crash site together with his dead pilot. He became POW with an uncertain future.
The Bf 109 G-6 of Jakob Norz crashed near by at Gåsvatnet. here