1./Küstenfliegergruppe106 S4+AH* Stkz.DC+GF WNr.2755 22.04 1940
Landed on frozen lake Limingen for unknown reason during a recce mission. After setting the aircraft afire, the crew started walking southwards, but were soon after captured by some armed locals. After a few days they were and handed over to French forces and ended up as PoW's in England. Oblt.Rudolf Schrader. Lt.zur See Sigfried Schultz (beobachter). Uffz.Erich Günther (bordfunker). Sources: Ulf Larsstuvold, Oddbjørg Winther. Matti Salonen. (*The aircraft was collected from 1.KüFlGr.506 the previous day. Info via Larry Hickey)
As days went by, the burned wreck was stripped for anything useful.
1200 liters of fuel was shortly after used by "Gruppe Reistad's" Fokkers and Tiger Moths.
The Heinkel finally sank to the bottom of the lake.