The A/C was intercepted by three USAAF P-38F Lightning fighters of 50 FS. Lt.Harry R. Stengle, Lt.James MacNulty and Lt.William H. Bethea scrambled from Patterson Airfield. They attacked it over Lake Kleifarvatn area and shot it down in flames. The Ju crashed at Strandarheidi (Lava Field), near Vatnsleysuströnd. (actually downed by the first two pilots flying above the low clouds. The third fighter, below the clouds, was lining up for the final burst, when the Junkers struck the ground and blew up).
Thanks to Eggert Norddal for research and photos of the crash site
Aufklärungsstaffel 1.(F)/120 (Luftflotte 5) A6+CH WNr.0430 087 24.04 1943
This Ju 88 D-5 came from Sola, Norway
on a photo recce mission over Keflavik and Reykjavik airfields. F Lt.Karl-Martin
Fw.Werner V.G. Bullerjahn and Fw.Theodor
Scholtysek KIA. The Radio operator, Uffz.Anton Mynarek baled out and was soon after captured by US Army Iceland Base Command troops
near the old Reykjavik/ Keflavík Road.