Junkers Ju 88 A-17 Hjerttindgryta, Troms

4./II.KG 26 1H+IM WNr.141158 9.2 1945

One Torpedo Bomber and three Recce-Bombers flew into the Rabbås valley in bad weather conditions. Three of them crashed here at the end of the valley, one managed to turn, but crashed soon after at Rabbåsen. Uffz. Fritz Krause. Lt. Jürgen Hartwig. Ogfr. Horst-Günther Diesel. Ogfr. Walter Schäfer. All KIA. They were on a transfer flight to their new base at Bardufoss, but took the wrong direction after passing Sørreisa/ Malangenfjord.

1961 © finn aarum
26.07 2004 ©kjell sørensen
1961 © finn aarum