WARCRIME. Five of the survivors were executed at Trandum 18.January 1943:
Sapper James Frank Blackburn. Sapper John Wilfred Walsh. Sapper Frank Bonner. Sapper Thomas William White. Lance Corporal Wallis Mahlon Jackson.
Three of the wounded survivors were murdered by the Gestapo in Stavanger prison 23. November 1942. The last one was murdered the day after.
Corporal James Dobson Cairncross. Lance Corporal Trevor Louis Masters. Sapper Eric John Smith. Driver Peter Paul Farrell.
"Operation Freshman" serial DP349 19.11 1942
The purpose of this raid was to destroy the heavy water production plant at Vemork. Two "Horsa" gliders towed by Halifax bombers took off from RAF Skitten. The second glider, HS114 crashed at Benkjafjellet. The two Halifaxes were on special detachment to 38 Wing. Only one Halifax (A- Apple) returned. W7801 crashed into mountain Jonsoknuten at Helleland. All the crew of W7801 were killed in the crash.
This glider was towed by Halifax A-Apple and was released over Fylgjesdal where it crashed shortly after. 8 of the 17 onboard died in the crash. Lieutenant/OIC.David Alexander Methven. Lance Sergeant/NCO.Frederick Healey. Sapper John Glen Vernon Hunter. Sapper William Jacques. Sapper Robert Norman. Driver George Simkins. Pilot Staff Sgt.Malcolm Frederick Strathdee. Co-pilot Sgt.Peter Doig.