10 Squadron RAF W1041 ZA-B 28.04 1942
Took off from RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland, to participate in an attack on the German Battleship Tirpitz, moored at Fættenfjord north of Trondheim. They were hit by German flak and caught fire. W/C Bennett tried to fly to Sweden, but they were forced to bail out over Flornes. The burning aircraft crashed here at Flornesvollen. Eyles, Murray and How were arrested by the Germans, but the rest were helped by Norwegians to reach the Swedish border.
Pilot.Wing Commander Donald
Bennett. 2nd Pilot.Sgt.Harry Walmsley. Navigator Sgt. Phil Eyles. W/Op Air Gunner Sgt. Forbes.
Air Gunner Sgt. Murray Tail Gunner F/L. George How. Flight Engineer F/Sgt. John Colgan.
Full story at Linzee Druce web site: Here