The two Gladiators of 263 Sqdn. continued their patrol and encountered a pair of Ju87Rs of 2./StG1at Beisfjord. They managed to shot down one Ju 87 "Stuka"
The crew were released again when the allied forces left Narvik. Poser and Hatlapa survived the war. Schulte and Henkel, lost their lives in Italy 1944. They are both rests at Futa Cemetery.
At 15:00 a formation of twelve Heinkels of Kampfgeschwader 26 were intercepted
by two patrolling Gloster Gladiators over Ballangen. The Heinkel bomber was
attacked, caught fire and force landed at Bukkevatnet. Flight Lieutenant Alvin
Williams and Sergeant Herbert Horatio Kitchener shared this victory. Oberfeldwebel
Otto Poser and his crew: Feldwebel Hans-Heinrich
Hatlapa, Unteroffizier Bernard Schulte and Uffz.
Franz Henkel were captured by French troops and became POW's.